My Year In Books 2023

During 2023 I managed to read 86 books. All I can say to this is that your public library is your best resource for reading books.

This year I shifted to audiobooks and this has changed the way I consume books. Up until now I would read before bed and I would get anywhere between three to ten minutes in before I would fall asleep. As you can see this doesn’t give much time for reading and it took a long time to read an entire book.

Audiobooks have opened up more opportunities for me to read or listen to books, whether I’m walking the dogs, driving (by myslef), cooking dinner or other household chores.

I’ve also found that many American narrated books are really slow and that I have to crank up the listening speed, otherwise it feels like time is slipping backwards. The Aotearoa books that I’ve read are read at a pace that I’m familiar with and I can listen to at 1x speed.

Anyway, here’s my 2023 reading summary…

All of these books I enjoyed. There were a few books that I started and quickly abandoned that I didn’t finish reading that aren’t part of these stats.

Out of all these books there are a few that I want to share with you and maybe you’ll check them out…

Let me know if you do decide to read any of them and what you thought.

Happy New Year.

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